I hate Cheerios.
That is my statement. And their new commercial has caused me to want to rant. Please do not be offended.
I will explain some. I hate that they use misleading advertising to trick parents and grandparents into thinking Cheerios are designed and perfect for infants and toddlers. News flash: They are not. They are neither made for infants, nor are they good for them.
They are made to make money. They were invented when Carbs were the answer to weightloss and health problems in the 70s. Now they are an "American" breakfast staple. They are not the answer to breakfast though.
Next: they are not good for infants. This is why. Babies under a year should not have any salt added to their food, as this can strain immature kidneys and cause dehydration (this is also why fast food and preprocessed foods are bad for infants). A preference for salt often becomes established at an early age, and eating too much salt may lead to high blood pressure later in life. Babies up to six months old should have less than 1g of salt (less than a 1/4 tsp) a day and from seven months old to hopefully around 18 months they should have a maximum of 1g a day. This is why you should not give your baby foods that have not been made specifically for babies.
Cheerios contain loads of sodium, or as we all know, SALT. On their box they list the serving size for children under 4 as 3/4 cup. This size contains 120 mg of sodium, which translates to 1.2 g. News flash again: This is more than their entire daily intake should be if they are over seven months old. If they are under seven months, its probably double their daily intake. This is PREPOSTEROUS! Not to mention the sugar, modified corn starch, Genetically modified grains used and chemicals for freshness.
Just don't do it. Don't believe any advertising EVER. Advertising is designed to make you want things without thinking. I know, I create advertising and teach people how, though I have morals about what I will advertise and how. I teach people about these morals and deciding their own. If you see an ad, realize they are selling you something and check it out yourself first. Just cause everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean its cool or safe. And please don't feed your infants Cheerios, it makes me sad inside for the generations growing up with more and more health issues, because we're uninformed or budget crazy and can't buy them infant puffs with no salt or sugar added.
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