Baby chicks in the corner (day after rain) |
So our new baby rare chickens are stupid. Yesterday we had a huge thunderstorm all morning. These chicks (
2 white sultans, 3 blue laced red wyandottes, 3 white cochins, 2 german spitzhaubens) just got moved outside last week as they are just finally around six weeks old. Because all of the Rainbow Rangers (
or Fat Fats as we call them) we are raising for meat haven't been slaughtered yet, the area for them isn't empty yet. But because they were getting so big we decided to put them with the fat fats rather than keep them inside, all the fat fats left are females and they are pretty slow, so we figured they wouldn't give them too much trouble.
White Sultan - six weeks oldish |
So back to the chicks, rather than stay inside their hut during the storm of torrential downpours, they choose to stay outside huddled in a front corner of the run, right at the edge (
a dangerous place as predators could try to reach in and get them). SOAKING wet chicks. Try as I might to move them into the hut, they just came running back out to the corner in the rain. I moved a large trashcan in the area near the corner to give them protection near where they apparently wanted to be, but no. They ran right out of that again to the corner. Finally, I just gave up and decided if they wanted to be wet, they were going to be.
Apparently, the shower was worth it, cause today, I went down to check
on them early in the morning and they are CUTER than ever because of the
wash. Especially the white sultans. ADORABLE. .. even if they are
Left to right: German Spitzhauben, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, White Sultan - all six weeks oldish |
The baby chicks crowding each other for no reason. |
They are going to be so beautiful as adult chickens!