Sunday, March 1, 2009

First Blog for Lord and Lady!

Hello Everyone!

How exciting! Our very own blog! With it we are hoping to bring you new green and organic information that we read about, learn through sources or our own experiences; keep you all up-to-date on new and exciting things happening with Lord and Lady; and post information on various green
endeavours that we undertake - and let you know how they work for us!

Hope you enjoy and we inspire excitement, knowledge and the desire to try some green ideas yourself! Looking forward to sharing and answering questions!


Laura and Thomas

1 comment:

  1. That is really cool. I love all the basic information and your long list of seedlings. How exciting. I will be talking to your mom soon!
    Carol Kiel
    Fairplain Pres.


Have questions - Ask Away! Have comments - Let us know what you think!